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Add reuired attribute HTML 5 control - Javascript

Demo and code for how to add required attribute in HTML 5 control

by Athil

Posted on 27 Jun 2018 Category: Javascript Views: 1645

Here I am going to show how to add required attribute for text control in HTML using javascript.


 document.getElementById('txtid').required = true;

where 'txtid' is the controlid

Full Demo code


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <title>Demo for add/ Remove Required attribute using javascript</title>

    <h1>Demo for add/ Remove Required attribute using javascript </h1>

    <input id="txtid"  type="text"/>

    <button type="submit" > Submit </button> <br/><br/>

    <button onclick ="AddRequired();"> Add required </button> 
    <button onclick ="RemoveRequired();"> Remove Required </button>



 function AddRequired()
            document.getElementById('txtid').required = true;
        function RemoveRequired()
            document.getElementById('txtid').required = false;


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