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C Program to find sum of two numbers using Function

C Program for how to find sum of two numbers using Function

by Krishna

Posted on 27 Jul 2018 Category: C Views: 7689

C Program to find sum of two numbers using Function

In this program, user asks to find the sum of two numbers with use of function . The function calling procedure will use in this program to find the sum of two numbers. Here is source code of the C program that Find the sum of two numbers through function. The C program is successfully compiled. The program output is also shown below. 

void main() 
       int a,b; 
       printf("Enter first Number : "); 
       printf("Enter second  Number : "); 
      sum(int x,int y) 
       int z; 
       printf("Sum of Two Number is : %d",z); 
       return 0; 


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